Section 1: General – Matthew 16:16-19, 28:19-20, Acts 6, 14:21-23, 20:28, Romans 10:9-10, Ephesians 4, 1 Timothy 3, Titus 2
Creekside Fellowship is a Congregational/Elder led Church under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Candidates may be admitted to membership by recommendation of Elders and votes of the Laity/Members.
Section 2: Candidacy – Romans 10:8-10, Matthew 28:18-20,
All such candidates shall be presented to the church after dialogue/discussion with elders regarding candidacy by:
- profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and for baptism by immersion;
- promise of letter from another church of like faith and order;
- personal statement,
- restoration.
The church will distribute a copy of our basic beliefs to every new member, provide orientation for all new members, and request that each new member participate in this orientation process.
Section 3: Duties – Ephesians 4, Colossians 2-3
Members are encouraged to:
- be faithful in all the duties essential to the Christian life, and the mission of the church;
- attend faithfully the services of the church;
- give systematically of their time, talents and material positions for its support and its ministry; and
- support the church’s objectives to the best of their ability.
Section 4: Voting Responsibilities – Matthew 16:18-19, Acts 6
Every member of the church who is eighteen years or older is entitled to vote at all elections and on all questions submitted to the church in conference, provided he/she is present. Parents are to provide instruction and guidance for their children in matters of the church.
Section 5: Discontinuation of Membership – Acts 20:26-32
Membership will be discontinued in the following ways:
- death;
- transfer to another church;
- exclusion by discipline
- removal from the rolls upon confirmed report or proof of membership in another church; or
- by request of the member.
Section 6: Discipline – Matthew 18:15-17, 1 Corinthians 5 and Galatians 6:1-3
It shall be the practice of this church to emphasize to its members that every reasonable measure will be taken to assist any troubled member. Should some serious condition exist which would cause a member to become a liability to the general welfare of the church, the pastor and the elders will take every reasonable measure to resolve the problem in accordance with the procedure outlined in verses above. Discontinuation of a member takes a unanimous elder vote and majority vote of the congregation. Restoration must meet the same criterion of vote.
Section 1: Church Officers
The officers of this church shall be the qualified pastors, elders, and treasurers.
- The pastor shall serve the church as the spiritual overseer of the church under the lordship of Jesus Christ. As spiritual overseer he will be responsible for leading the church to function as a New Testament church and administer the pastoral ministries in the church. As such he will work alongside elders and members by: (a) leading the church in the achievement of its mission, (b) proclaiming the gospel to believers and unbelievers, and (c) caring for the church’s members and other persons in the community. A pastor shall be chosen and called by the church upon elder recommendation and church affirmation of 75% or greater whenever a vacancy occurs. The elders are responsible for obtaining pulpit supply (person to fulfill the preaching ministry of the church) when without a pastor. In the event the office of pastor is vacated, elders shall offer a nomination to the church a person to be named to the position of “interim pastor.” The interim pastor shall be recommended by the elders and elected by a majority of those present and voting at a regular or special business meeting.
- The church shall elect elders by ballot at a special business meeting. Elder candidates may be admitted to membership by recommendation of current elders and votes of the laity/members. In accordance with the meaning of the work and practice in the New Testament, elders are to serve alongside the pastor and staff in performing the pastoral ministries of the church.
- The church shall elect annually a church treasurer as its financial officer. The treasurer shall be elected for a period of one (1) year and shall not serve more than three (3) consecutive years. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to oversee the financial administration of the church in receiving, preserving, and paying out all money upon receipt of vouchers approved and signed by authorized personnel. The treasurer, elders, and pastor jointly may assign clerical duties of the treasurer to non-ministerial staff (or church member volunteer) to help ensure maximum safeguards of the church finances.
- The church annually shall create other full or part-time positions as needed.
The committees of this church may be created by the elders to serve a specific temporary need of the church. Committees will be chosen from the members of the church and shall consist of at least three (3) members.
The church shall maintain discipleship training that supports articles I-V in the Constitution.
The ordinances of the church, as set forth in the New Testament, are Baptism (immersion) and the Lord’s Supper (symbolic).
Section 1: Worship Services
The church shall meet regularly for; worship, instruction, fellowship, and evangelism.
Section 2: Special Services
Any special service request must be brought before the elders.
Section 3: Regular Business Meetings
The church shall hold an annual business meeting. Any additional business meeting will be scheduled as needed. An agenda will be available prior to the meeting.
Section 4 : Quorum
A quorum consists of those members who attend the business meeting. Proxy votes are not acceptable.
Section 5: Parliamentary Rules
Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, is the authority for parliamentary rules of procedure for all business meetings of the church.
Section 1: Budget
The Elders or designee shall annually prepare and submit for the approval of the church an inclusive budget, indicating by items the amount of money needed and sought for all local and other expenses.
Section 2: Accounting Purposes
All funds received shall pass through the hands of those authorized for counting and depositing such funds, and shall be recorded on the books. (See Article II, Section 1 (C)). A system of accounting that will adequately provide for the handling of all funds shall be the responsibility of the treasurer as overseen by the elders (see Financial Policies and Procedures for specific details).
Section 3: Fiscal Year
The church’s fiscal year shall begin on October 1 of each year and run through September 30 of the following year.
Upon discontinuance of this Church by dissolution or otherwise, any assets lawfully available for distribution are to be transferred to one or more organizations qualifying as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, by a majority of members attending a regular or special business meeting called for that purpose.
Section 1: Votes to Amend Constitution and Bylaws
The Constitution and these Bylaws may be amended, modified, or repealed by two thirds (2/3) vote of the voting members present at any duly convened business meeting of the church, provided the proposed amendment shall have been presented to the church in writing at any regular or special business meeting of the church at least thirty (30) days prior to the date established for voting on said amendment. The proposed amendment shall be printed and posted in the church office at least fifteen (15) days before the proposed amendment is to be acted upon. When an amendment is proposed and has been rejected by the church, that amendment, or any amendment embodying the substance thereof, shall not be proposed again for at least six months from the date of the rejection of such amendment.
Section 2: Effective Date of Amendments
Any amendments to the Constitution or Bylaws shall immediately go into full force and effect from and after their adoption. {Not final form, all corrections welcome}